Friday, July 17, 2009

MasterCard's Priceless Picks iPhone Application

MasterCard Launches Priceless Picks iPhone Application

MasterCardPricelessPicks.jpgMasterCard has announced the availability of the MasterCard Priceless Picks iPhone application which it says "gives consumers a location-based utility to find and share their favorite picks with friends and family. Leveraging the iPhone’s GPS technology, users can instantly find shopping deals, entertainment options, dining venues and special experiences just steps away from where they are or where they’re traveling to, for business or for pleasure. Priceless Picks is available for free download at the iPhone App Store."

Unique features of the MasterCard Priceless Picks app include:
  • User-generated content and partner generated offers
  • Priceless Picks separated into five categories including Priceless, Dining, Shopping, Entertainment and Other
  • Pinpoints Priceless Picks in your selected location
  • Add your own Priceless Pick by simply inputting the name,description and location along with your first name and a PricelessPick category
  • “Send to a Friend” allows you to share your Priceless Picks with others via email
“MasterCard continues to connect with consumers, enabling what is Priceless to them – be it a special experience, moment in time, place, or deal - and now we’re providing a forum for consumers to share their Priceless Picks,” said Chris Jogis, Senior Vice President, US Marketing, MasterCard Worldwide. “With the capabilities of the iPhone, we’ve taken Priceless Picks to a new level, taking advantage of the portability of the device and enabling users to quickly and easily identify and share unique experiences in a chosen locale.”

Marketing Campaign -- Priceless

MasterCard Priceless Picks will be supported by an advertising campaign that includes three new 15 second Priceless® television spots breaking next week, produced by McCann Erickson NY. The spots showcase a variety of real life situations where people share their special experiences by posting them to Priceless Picks on their iPhone – the best seat in the stadium to catch a foul ball, family-friendly restaurants and a great spot for a kiss.

The Priceless Picks app was conceived, developed and built by McCann Erickson, New York, the advertising agency of record for MasterCard, with technical support from MRM Worldwide and Ubermind.

MasterCard Priceless Picks marks the second in a series of iPhone applications that MasterCard is bringing consumers to make life a little easier every day. Priceless Picks joins the popular MasterCard ATM Hunter, which lets iPhone users easily locate the nearest ATM no matter where in the world they are.
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