PandaSecurity announced its worldwide barometer on the status of security atsmall and medium-sized businesses (SMBs). According to the study, whichsurveyed 5,760 companies worldwide, 44 percent of the more than 1,400US respondents have recently been infected by Internet threats.
Worldwide, 58 percent were affected, with Brazil showing the highestinfection rate at 86 percent. Only 8 percent of SMBs in Germanyreported infections.
US SMBs cited that, of any threat, viruses affected their companies themost, at 41 percent, and they ranked spyware second, at 26 percent.Worldwide, viruses also ranked first, with 55 percent of respondentsnaming them the most potent threat to their businesses. Ten percent ofSMBs in the US were affected to the point of having to stop production,with a worldwide average of 30 percent.
While 97 percent of US SMBs surveyed have installed antivirus and 95percent claim their security systems are up to date, many SMBs stilllack common security protection. Twenty-nine percent of respondentsdisclosed they have no antispam in place, 22 percent no antispyware and16 percent no firewall.
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